In his youth horses established a usual subject. Since the childhood Toulouse Lautrec loved equitation and had to give up it because of his disease, it was for him some very painful choice, and that is why Toulouse Lautrec decided to continue to keep alive his passion for horses through his work.

Here are few samples of paintings, lithographs and sketches


Horse and carriage, lithograph

Carriage oil on wood


Sketch of horse and carriage by Henri de Toulouse Lautrec Monfa


A dog cart


Alphonse de Toulouse-Lautrec Driving His Four-in-Hand


Sketch of horse and carriage watercolor


Sketch of horse and carriage by Henri de Toulouse Lautrec Monfa

Please follow on below... two oil paintings looking for an expert.

Even if this blog as the name of Henri de Toulouse Lautrec Monfa, the oil paintings below are not authenticated.

These two paintings were bought from a Parisian Antiques shop.

The paintings are oils on wood dating of late 1800's early 1900's

Unfortunately not authenticated. They are not from a descriptive catalogue.

These two oils paintings are looking for an expert !


Henri de Toulouse Lautrec or not ?


Henri de Toulouse Lautrec Monfa or not ?

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